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ISSN: 0974-892X


January, 2007



Shivi Sharma


Memories are scenes retained ……..
of  dreams long past.
Time passes …….. but memories stay.
Sunshine dwindles and dies, shadows implode.
Memories, however, steadily hold
Images of tales untold.
Memories are yours, memories are mine,
To live with them, we are all destined
There’s no escape from them, try as you might
To bury them, they will come to light.
At some point in your lives when
Everything has slipped out of your hands
Like grains of sand,
Memories will remain like
Autumn leaves scattered over the land.
Memories we can surely hold onto
They do not vanish like so called friends.
At a backward glance
Memories make us realize
Life is not all cruelty, not all vice
Contrary to belief, life is ……  well, life.
Memories are sweet, memories are sour,
Soothing balm for many a scar
But in the firmament of the mind
Each is a shining star.
Memories are albums
Holding sundry photos
…… of people we have loved
…… of people we have hated
…… of people vitally important
…… of people we hardly rated as worthy.
Memories of loved ones
Make our lips curve in a smile
Memories of loved ones, lost,
Makes our eyes cloud for a while.
Memories undoubtedly are an inevitable part of our morrows
As ocean, large enough for every drop of our sorrows.
Each moment lived
Turns into a memory on the next heart-beat,
Adding to the store of treasure
That makes life a treasure ……..
Every passing day.
So, try to make each day count
And make it worthwhile
Instead of making it extensive
But futile.
At last, when we leave this island of solitude ……
We carry only our memories,
Our eternal truth.
Nothing except memories can be true
Believe me, nothing,
Just nothing goes along with us,
Except our memories,
And what we leave behind with tears.