Usha Kishore
At the Senate House Library
Postcolonialism envelops me,
with its Indian shades and
colonial trappings…
I am a colony within a colony –
I seek a space in the endless
realms of migratory birds…
A hundred eyes stare down
at me from the books that
haunt the walls – Bhabha,
Spivak, Said and the rest –
their pages leap out at me
and spurt out words that I
interpret from outside colonial
space – my psyche, dampened
by exile and a longing beyond
words; the grey sky comes
down on me through the
window and chases me –
to dye me in its hues;
I clutch my Indianness
in vain, its colours spill
into my poetry –
I seek words from
the Bible and the Vedas
and hold up my verse
like the Holy Grail –
they evaporate, leaving
their dregs on my pages –
my songs spill on alien
land, I now call my own –
I have come a long way
to this Saraswati kshetra
in the heart of England,
which will now fold me
into itself – a postcolonial
trapped between nations –
Its notes will now tangle
me in a rainbow land,
caught between roaring
monsoons and autumnal gales…