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ISSN: 0974-892X

January, 2009



Mukesh Williams

Our Glorious Modernity

We always felt that to be modern
Was a choice between
Some sort of liberal individualism and Marxism
Where there was no alienation or false consciousness
But only a sense of equality and fraternity.

It was imperative
To trace our intellectual genealogy
From Kant and Hegel to Marx
And feel the power of human agency
Within an egalitarian community.

But then, we soon realized
That our moral position
Was another Kantian façade,
A utilitarian front
That left many things unsaid.

If we were free individuals
Participating in common ownership
Then what were the terms and conditions
Of our entry into society?
What did we do when we snatched power?

Did we looked more like Weberians
Than principled movers of society?
Did we selfishly extract our pound of flesh
Discarding the very ideals we stood for?
Or were we truly egalitarian and modern?