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ISSN: 0974-892X


January, 2019




Dr. Suresh Chandra Pande, Nainital (UK)


Is neither an attitude
Nor a discourse
On  remorse
Of course
On  umbrage.                                                                               
It’s an aptitude                                                                                  
A  gift to face boldly
Vengeance’s  visage  uncomely.

A heroic divine attribute
Having  harmony , imperturbability, amity and quietude
As  buddies  to tear  the  murky veil of rude multitude.

Forbears wild-justice of settling of scores
Divine-darling’s memento   shelved   in-doors
A superhuman valor indisposed to  moors

Even- temper, endurance and solitude
Deal dangers with certitude
Courage in difficulty
Exhibit fortitude’s divine faculty .

A moving reservoir of heavenly cascade
Guided in  proper directions bare a facade
So as to  beautify  the self and the society
By sincere allegiance to rules of piety .  

Nevertheless is it a virtue of the weak.
But an ornament that the valiant’s seek
To set sights on body-mind   symbiosis
Is fortitude’s long cherished   hypothesis

In  the complex  refinery of the neurosis
Dross is recycled to  salvage catharsis
Even after  managing edicts  of ethical custom
A  spirit  chaste  on  its  own  come  to  pass  seldom

Rehearsal of noble virtues nurture a fit society
Free from malice, spite , revenge and bigotry
Keeping away the evils of  resentment and morbidity
Takes home ways of worldly peace, plenty and fecundity

With applause and approval of similitude
Mettle  bids--Adieu !  to  platitude
Goes up to high Himalayan altitudes
Wherein at different latitudes
Comrades meet to greet FORTITUDE.