T. S.Chandra Mouli & B. B. Sarojini
Let Us Speak Out
let us speak out:
desire to speak out itself a remarkable revelation!.
Fact and fiction in speech
no longer differentiable.
In fact,
what is compassion, or crookedness,
what is good or bad
no longer discernable!
Let us speak out
amidst words
that are like a sweet smile
acquired on vowing life;
that are like the unmolested raindrop,
that are like mother’s affectionate kiss!
Unfettering the shackled words
let us speak out freely!
Yes, this is the time to speak out-
awaited this moment all these years avidly;
not for me alone
but, for all of us, this is the moment!
Time to dismantle demarcations;
come dear
let us speak out freely!
Translated from Telugu by T. S.Chandra Mouli & B. B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Reekha (2002), poem titled MaaTlaaDudaaM (43)