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ISSN: 0974-892X


July, 2017




Dr. Shobha Diwakar, Ex-Head, Dept. of English, CP Mahila Mahavidhyalaya, Jabalpur, (MP)

They live amongst us as good citizens
Respected by all who hail in society
They labor, they work, they toil they moil?
Do not worry they never smile.
Beneath their dry skin rests a spy
Waiting to molest a child
Their cherry face, their twinkling eyes
Arrests the attention of a passer-by
But hush, you have not got it right
They sneak behind to save their hide
These voluptuous men their intentions wild
Hanker after wishes blind
Their sex starved menial mind runs wild
When ill-supported by their liquored mind
They, live today, tomorrow they die;
Unhealthy men, unhealthy mind
You know not what goes on in their dirty mind
Foul and filthy their day begins
To catch innocent victims their run begins
Beware of fiends that drape themselves
In flowery tongue and cheesy ways
To captivate they come your way
Disguised in forms you cannot sway
Be wise and slow your lonesome stride
Do not get swayed by passers by
You never know who they are
Save your emotions until you are sure
Think awhile before you leap
Into unknown trenches deep.