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ISSN: 0974-892X


July, 2012



Simmi Gurwara


In the dark, desolate and delusional alleys
All faces appear
As if tarred with the same brush.
Their creases, their sinews
Unchangingly constant hues
But  underneath  the very sameness
Pulsates –perennially   perverse;
An impregnated hollowness.

How ticklish it is to know
The sides deciding men and more
It’s a puzzle wrapped in a riddle
The more I try the more I see
The chasm that exists
Between the effervescent exterior facade
And the inherently intricate interiors
Of emotionally conflicting, turning and twisting
Teflon coated clones. 

What ploy will it take
To assess and assimilate
For all that is there, comprises fake
Let me not lose heart
Let me not loosen my grip
Over my accumulated sense of judgment.
That tripped when tried and tested
Under the most unimagined climes.

I may be inured by the vagaries
Of life but I still am hopeful
Like a penguin I flutter my wings
Oblivious of my limitation to soar
High in the expanse, cheerful.
I welcome and deduce whatever
Life in its baggage brings.

What fun it is to invade and inveigh
Isn’t it better to calm down and pray