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ISSN: 0974-892X


January, 2017



For My Dogged Emotions

Prof. Prasanta Kumar Panda, IIT, BHU, Banaras, UP

How interestingly you dismissed my capital sorrow
As if you were Buddha
And I am a child seeking life for my dead dog.

Your vital lies to yourself and others
Perhaps helps you to remain smiling.
My simple truths condemn me
To pine for the emotions this world has lost.

Probably you have the training
That can close or open your mind to reason and emotion
Like experimental truths change with temperature
And pressure or many other conditions.
My experiments have failed me to change colour
To prove I am worth the effort.

But I need your advice
As a child needs to soothe his heart with an ice-cream in winter.
So I refuse to buy my reason
That can wipe my eyes
And leave the dead bodies of my emotions alone.

I just want a procession
To let people know
It is not just of a dead dog I am crying for,
My emotions need universal rehabilitation.