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ISSN: 0974-892X


January, 2022




Literary Articles & Research Papers


Dr. Anju Bala Agrawal
Power Politics and Polie Sengupta’s Samara’s Song

Dr. Harbir Singh Randhawa and Dr. Shipra Joshi
Mapping the contours of Post- Modernism in Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending

Aju Mukhopadhyay
Tribal and Agrarian Revolution in Colonial and Postcolonial India In Mahasweta Devi’s Novels

Dr. Rachel Irdaya Raj
Does ‘She’ have a Choice? A study of R.K. Narayan’s The Dark Room

Dr. S. Sujaritha
Objectification or Subjectification: Reading of Illangovadigal’s Sillapathigaram under Feminist Concepts

Costanza Mondo
Much More than a Dwelling: The Multi-Layered Meanings of the House in Galgut’s The Promise

Dr. Kh. Kunjo Singh
Basavaraj Naikar’s A Pontiff of Peacockshire: Historicisation of a Hagiography

Dr. Radha Kanta Mishra
Martyrdom of an Undaunted Crusader: A Study of Basavaraj Naikar’s Historical Play Rayanna: The Tiger of Sangavalli